


About Me
My name is Tammie Buchanan and I have been an educator for 17 years in a wide range teaching positions. I currently teach preschool at Bethel United Methodist Church: BECA Early Childhood Academy. I am a student at Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University, completing my Master’s program in Youth and Family Ministries.

My husband and I have been married seven years, and we have a five year old little boy who is the light of our eye. We live in the church parsonage and Bethel is an extension of our home!

As a child, I did not have the opportunity to grow up in a church family or to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I often attended church with friends, but did not find my own church until I was in college.

Since I did not have a firm Christian foundation as a child, it is my desire to reach out to other young people who may not have such a foundation either and help them to find their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
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