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About the Author

Tyler was born in Sandy, Utah. His family then later moved to Idaho. Throughout life Tyler has loved writing. He has written a few short stories before this one, but nothing compared to this. When Tyler started writing "The Red Knife" he was only twelve. He thought this would be like any of the other stories he had written in the past. He thought he would get bored of it and end it. He kept writing it anyway. He just added onto it.

"It was a great stress reliever. I showed my true self threw Alex and what I wanted to be threw Kade." Tyler stated on January 27 2012. Just shortly he had finished editing the book. Sometime in the summer of 2011 Tyler ended "The Red Knife Part I" and started on part II as soon as he did. He wrote about twenty pages until he reread part I.

He was extremely disappointed. He thought he had done better. "It was... choppy and I was unhappy." Is how Tyler explains it. So throughout January of 2012 Tyler went back and changed names to more likeable names.

One name he changed was in fact the main character, Kade. Yes the name Tyler had in before Kade, was Tyler! As he was editing he saw that no other authors put their names in the stories. So Tyler changed it. People ask, "How did you come up with Kade?"

"I was talking with my mom, she explained to me how if I was not going to be named Tyler then I would have been named Kade." Tyler explained.

"I have loved writing this book and I hope you have enjoyed reading it! I have to thank a few people though. Namely my family and my friends you guys are amazing!" Tyler states.

Want to know more about Tyler? Check out his auto biography Living with Tyler Gordon!
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