
Creative Author Press – An Imprint for Creative Members

Buy Creative Author Press (CAP) package(s)

In recognition of growing talent among our members in creative writings, children stories, poetry and biography, we have created Creative Author Press for aspiring members to become internationally recognized published authors.
$99 per package
Each Creative Author Press package includes the following features:
  1. A unique ISBN-13 "International Standard Book Number" and barcode assigned to the published book.
  2. You can order a complimentary copy once title is published with free US Ground shipping(not include Hawaii and Alaska).
  3. Book title, description and author information will be submitted into the ISBN database for worldwide circulation.
  4. Automatic listing of your book title on Amazon's catalogue, available for sale to the public.
  5. One free eBook License
Creative Author Press (CAP) Package
$99 per package (Discount applies for Bookemon Gold Pro and Bookemon Educator)
(Each CAP package can be applied to one book format only.)     Add to Cart
Note: Your order of Creative Press Package can't be cancelled after the complimentary copy is sent to the printer.
Special discounts:
  • Buy 2 for $178 ($20 off)
Bookemon Creative Author Press Publishing Terms and Conditions

By virtue of publishing your book under Creative Author Press at Bookemon, you have agreed to terms and conditions as set forth below, governing the publication, sales and distribution of your book; this is in augmentation of Bookemon User Agreement.
Publisher Designation
Bookemon is the registered owner of every ISBN-13 commercial book identifier assigned to Creative Author Press books. Thus, Bookemon will be the recognized publisher of your book as part of its Creative Author Press imprint. In addition, the ISBN-13 identifier assigned to your book is not transferrable and cannot be used for subsequent edition of your book.
Copyright Ownership
Except for the ISBN-13 identifier, resources, documents and technology provided to you by Bookemon to create, design and publish your book, you are the copyright owner of your book content and artwork you have uploaded into your book.
Publishing Rights
You must ensure that all metadata you provide to us is current and accurate. Bookemon is entitled to determine what content we accept and publish through the Creative Author Press program in our sole discretion. We may also withdraw and remove your book from publication and distribution if we determine that it either doesn't comply with our content requirements or violates copyright ownership of a third party.
Author Profit and Retail Book Pricing
Each author will be given an opportunity to specify an author profit he/she would earn from sales of each copy of their book to various online and retail sales channels. However, book purchases by the author themselves at base price of their book will not generate any author profit.
Under Creative Author Press, Bookemon has the exclusive rights to set the Retail Book Price, Reseller Discounts and Quantity Discounts for every Creative Author Press book. Bookemon is free to change the retail price and discounts at any time without notice. However, author profit as specified by the author will not change irrespective of the discounts and channels where the books are sold.
Sales, Marketing and Promotion
Creative Author Press authors grant Bookemon the right to sell their books to online, traditional, U.S. or international booksellers. Bookemon will have sole discretion in determining all marketing and promotions related to the sale of your Creative Author Press book on Bookemon’s own and affiliated online and mobile sites. We will not owe you any fees for any marketing or promotional efforts. You acknowledge that we have no obligation to market and promote your book at any time.
Withdrawal from Creative Author Press
You may withdraw your Creative Author Press book from further circulation and sales at any time on 60 days advance written notice to ( We may fulfill and complete any customer orders outstanding prior to the withdrawal date.
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