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About Author:
Psychic medium, and popular author Kathleen Tucci, grew up seeing and hearing spirits. When fate brought tragic deaths in her own circle of family and friends in the late 90’s it became her passion to pass on messages of healing and inspiration to others on the path of grief and left a career as a successful Ad Agency owner to place on her head the hat of a Clairvoyant. She began performing readings professionally in 2000 and after years of spiritual study became an ordained Universalist Minister and Certified Life Coach. Kathleen’s an expert in her field and an accomplished speaker on the paranormal. She’s previously published two books; “Vibrating to Spirit – A Psychic’s Journey to the Other Side”, presenting her own personal story of growing up with multi-sensory abilities and “Connecting to Spirit – If You Build It They Will Come”; a manuscript she co-authored with Bob Dean and NDE’er, Larry Hastings, who survived a Near Death Experience lasting over 20 minutes. Leading thousands to a place of enlightenment, she brings her expertise in the mystical and spiritual alchemy out in the open in her third book, “Lifting the Alchemist’s Veil - ” due in stores in 2011. Ms. Tucci is also a Certified Hypnotherapist with a focus on Past Life Regression and has a practice in Frisco, Texas.
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