Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: Jeii

Private Bookstore


Author Information


About Author:
Writing has always been a passion of mine and one day, sooner than later hopefully, I hope to be published and a well respected author. Until just recently, I was on hiatus from writing as my life had become muddled with other engagements. I was kind of stressed about getting back into writing and being rusty when I had the idea to start writing fanfiction. I’ve always been an avid lover of fanfiction but I’ve never really found others that share my passion. That was until I came here to Soshified. It seemed like the perfect match. I love So Nyuh Shi Dae and I love fanfiction so why not combine two very positive parts of my life, right?

The writers/ readers on this site are so great and passionate. I would be greatly honored if you take the time to read and critique my work. I wish to continue to thrive as a writer so that I can reach my goals. With your feedback I hope to do so. So feel free to tell me of my flaws, what you do or don’t like or ask me why I did or didn’t do certain things. Most of all I hope that you find my works interesting and the least bit entertaining. Thank you my Sone comrades. I love you all
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