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Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: untitled_fate

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About Author:
Hi, my name is Elaine Filer. I have lived in Nederland my whole life, and thus love to spend time outdoors. I love to ski, backpack, and hike – if it’s active and outside, I love it. I’m also a very big yoga fan – it’s great for the body, mind and soul – what’s not to like? I began to really start writing when I was eleven. I took an online writing course (I was homeschooled at the time) and fell in love with writing. Mostly I write poetry, but occasionally I write short stories. I also have participated in NaNoWriMo (Nation Novel Writing Month) for the past two years. Basically what it is is that you write a 50,000 word story in one month – November. It’s very challenging, quite stressful, very frustrating, and leaves you with no social life, but in the end it is extremely rewarding. Looking at the bottom of the Word toolbar and seeing that magical number, 50,000, typed there is one of the greatest feelings in the world. You can look at it and say, hey, I’ve done something that not very many people have done. I’ve accomplished something. I also love to draw (I drew my cover). I’ve been an active artist since preschool. I’ve been through my fair share of problems in life, which often leaves my poetry with a dark feeling, and are very personal. But hey, who hasn't had a few hard times?
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