Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: yogifoli

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About Author:
Diana's incredible ability to connect to all people and her deep commitment to understanding the human condition makes it possible for her students to truly see themselves. She believes that having the courage to feel and locate your fears in your body leads to an understanding of them. From this perspective of acceptance, you gain the ability to begin a life that isn't run by your past, old beliefs, stories and ego identifications. Diana is a teacher that is committed to seeing and loving each student where they are, right now. Truth would never reject anyone or judge anyone’s reality. That's the commitment. She is willing to meet people at that very real place and to invite them on the powerful journey to create their destinies. She sees the infinite potential of each student and teaches intuitively to each class, inspiring expression of that potential, invoking everything from the playful to the divine. All of her classes are an inimitable creation.
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