Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: JerryDon

Public Books Published

* The Chosen One - The lost memories
5.5"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
148 Pages,  Jun-30-2014
List Price: $16.15

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About Author:
I grew up at the foot of the Wind River Mountains. There were five boys in my family and Dad taught us all to hunt and fish.My favorite place to fish was on the Wind River Reservation, The Res was some of the best trout fishin in the world. Every cast type fishing and more lakes and streams than you could fish in a life time. Another thing that made it special was you could spend weeks up there and never see another human being. I am sure i have stood in places where no other man has ever stood. Imagine that. My favorite place though was timberline,where the lodge pole pines quit growing and gave way to shrubs and granite.One can walk the ridges and see for 50 miles below you. I truly believe there is no place closer to God. Now i am 64 years old and as a result of a tour in Nam, my heart will no longer allow me to go to those elevations. I only hope that while reading my book I can take you there.
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