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Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: Patricia Debbe Schmidtke

Private Bookstore


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Patricia Debbe Schmidtke

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jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

So I Just Write Whatever I Want?

Hello world!

So after taking a brief Facebook poll to see whether this thing was actually worth writing, seems as if at least some of you have a mild interest in my Peace Corps life. I'm currently writing this while simultaneously trying to appease my 6 year old Peruvian niece, so excuse this first post it it seems a bit unfocused.

The title of the blog is lame but I couldnt think of anything better so suggestions are welcome. Poco a poco means "little by little" and has been the mantra so far of our Peace Corps training. We are all infants in the Peace Corps world so we are learning little by little what it takes to be a volunteer. So here goes a brief synopsis of my first baby steps into PC life.

We went through a short two-day retreat in the middle of nowhere, Peru where we discussed our feelings, held hands, and sang Kumbaya (I'm mostly kidding). Then we were taken to our host families to begin our 10 week..
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