Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: Zerlinda

Author Information


About Author:
Not much about my life. Basically I started out really fough in school and got pushed around by kids, my own mother, and my almost-stepfather (the relationship didn't make it past engagement before he left). I fell into a deep depression and my mother blamed me for everything that went wrong in her life. Eventually, I moved in with my aunt and uncle and I came out of my prison. I started taking dance classes, made friends, and found a love for writing. Unfortunately, I still have to see my mother and she wants me to mave back in with her. We use to take counsiling, but she was so stubborn that we were just waisting money. While I do not like my mother by any stretch of the imagenation (which is horrible) I like my life, despite the rough start. I hope you like my stories.
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