Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: Erin Liyah

Author Information

Erin Liyah

About Author:
Ranisha- I am 16 years old. I attend Fairmont Heights High School, currently. I live in Capitol Heights, Maryland.

Angel- I am 15 years old. I attend Fairmont Heights & currently reside in Seat Pleasant, Maryland. In my free time, I like to draw & read.

Ayo- I am 16 yrs old. I currently attend Fairmont Heights High School and reside in Hyattsville, Maryland. I play basketball and softball and dance and draw in my free time.

Tiayanna- I am 16 years old.

Erin- I am 15 years old. I Attend Fairmon Heights High School, but i like in Bowie. I like reading, writing stories,and Drawing.
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