
Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: Isaac James

Public Books Published

* My Mom Got Sick
8.5"x11" - Hardcover w/Matte Laminate - Color Trade Book
20 Pages,  Mar-01-2021
List Price: $32.19

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* My Mom Got Sick
8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
20 Pages,  Mar-01-2021
List Price: $14.19

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* My Mom Got Sick
8.5"x11" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
20 Pages,  Mar-01-2021
List Price: $28.19

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Author Information

Isaac James

About Author:
Isaac is a six year old boy who's mother was diagnosed with cancer when he was three years old. Through the years Isaac became compassionate about helping other kids who's parent got cancer.
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