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Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: Carolyn Moore

Mission Statement


It was a bitter sweet feeling as we left Camp in Indonesia after the Tsunami there. Feeling good about our Mission yet the devistation we viewed was a sad event as we had to head back to the states. Children that had lost all family, clothing hanging from trees 30 feet above ground where the floods left their mark. It was a sad hour to the little Airport from camp. We pulled up to the little Airport which was a mere tarp and four poles. A squatty potty was available and we knew to hold back extra paper for the trip. We looked, all in fear as we could see all groups ahead of us still waiting for their plane. No one seemed to know why they were still there. Soon we heard a putt putt of an engine and a small plane was comimg in. A guy said as soon as it lands "RUN AND GET IN". Dragging our suitcase we ran and before it stopped we all jumped in, no seats on the plane so we had to sit on the floor and believe me were all "PRAYING" hoping to get out of there..

Author Information

Carolyn Moore

About Author:
I am a seasoned Cosmetologist. Althogh retired, I still service friends and family. I live on five Acres and relish maintaining the property and being with Nature and her beauty. I believe the simple things in life are the best things in life and I strive to maintain that truth. I enjoy people and gatherings but at the end of the day, I like to curl up by myself with paper and a pen. I have two grown sons that take better care of me than I need. I have spoiled them to the core and in return they do the same to me. I love them dearly and my pride shines as you read of them in my stories. True and simple, pure and honest, straight from the heart. Humbling losses, strong forever love bonds, and a faith derived from that journey, a faith still leading me every day as I search for my path.
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