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Young Authors Contest

For the aspiring young author, it is never too early to hone in on those skills and start gaining recognition. Helping your students to harness their voice and polish their writing skills early is one of the greatest gifts you can give to a young author working their way up in the writer's world. While there are many ways to encourage an aspiring literary genius, a young authors contest offers an array of benefits that teach valuable lessons.

Teach Students the Value of Creativity

One of the many benefits of a young authors contest is that in the weeks or months spent preparing an entry for submission, students will both the struggle and value of creativity. Facing writers block is a very real issue among authors and one that your students will face again when writing a winning contest entry. Learning how to overcome this obstacle to find their unique voice is a reward in and of itself for students.

Open the Doors to Opportunity

Another great advantage to writing contests for young authors is that participation opens the doors to many new opportunities. Not only will students be able to learn what it takes to write a strong contest entry, but they'll also have opportunities to learn from the judges who critique their entries and, if chosen as a winner, the opportunity for publication is certainly an inviting incentive to participate. Additionally, winning a writing contest provides some pretty noteworthy additions to a college or university application.

There's More to it Than Winning

Although submitting a winning entry to a writing contest is the ultimate goal, there are many more lessons to be learned by students during their participation. The opportunities for a young author to showcase their best work is always an inviting incentive to participate, but win or lose - entering a writing contest helps teach young writers the value of using critiques to better enhance their storytelling abilities and continue striving for improvement.

At Bookemon our mission is to help students, parents and teachers to encourage self-expression and creativity through writing. Promoting literacy during youth is one of the greatest gifts that can be given and the impact of doing so can last an entire lifetime.

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Young Author
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