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12 Days of Christmas - The Nativity

by Nalani Young
80 pages    333 reads    0 people's favorite    1 likes
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8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Price: $15.39    Gold Member Price: $13.85
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About the Book

Among the many Christmas decorations that usher in the Christmas season stands a lowly Nativity. Sometimes it is a Nativity with only Joseph, Mary and the Baby Jesus in a manger. Other times it is a much more elaborate scene. Nonetheless, how many times have we looked intently on each piece of the set? How many times have stories played in out minds about the delicate pieces before us? In this story, we share 12 tales representing the 12 pieces of a Nativity. Our tales begins with a brave old donkey that carried the very pregnant Mary to Bethlehem, to the magnificent babe that was born in a stable, and laid in a manger. These stories share the importance of Christmas and the role that each piece plays in the miraculous birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ.

Features & Details
Created on: Dec-07-2020   Published on: Jan-07-2021
ISBN: 9781649941213
Format: 8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Theme: Holidays    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 80 Pages
Christmas    Christmas Nativity   
About Author
author icon Nalani
Joined: Jul-01-2020

Nalani Young lives in Orem Utah with her husband David and their four children. Nalani loves God, and Jesus Christ, and she loves her family, for they are her greatest gift. Nalani loves music, and art, and wonderful stories. She believes in the magic and joy of Christmas and she feels that that comes because of the birth of the Baby Jesus. Nalani lives with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer and desires to leave a legacy of faith, love, and joy for her children, and their children.

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