Turn Student's Writings into
Printable Books and eBooks!

Educator Sign Up
Where are edCenters located?
Bookemon Educator Program

Do you have a Yearbook Club? As a teacher, do you need to create a class book for every kid with all kids' work in the classroom? Will you run Young Authors' Faire once a year?

If so, it is perfect to use this FREE Educator Program to create a book in a private and secured environment.
It makes your job much more efficient. You can do one time and custom as many times as needed.

Enjoy the following benefits when you join Bookemon's Educator Program

Free to create your own edCenter, a secure, private online environment to make class books, yearbooks or school projects collaboratively.
Official purchase orders are allowed as payment for educator account only. See more

Special 10% discounts to purchase your own books.

Special 10% discounts for every member of an edCenter to purchase their books.

Up to 40% discounts to purchase Creative Author Press package for members of your edCenter.

Have questions about Bookemon Educator Program?
Send email to support@bookemon.com

Where are edCenters located?

What is an edCenter?

edCenter, a feature available only to educator members is a safe, private, online book project center for teachers
and students. Each edCenter features


Group Privacy

At the discretion of the edCenter founder, books and information can only be accessed by its members.


Mobile Access

Using bookPress or Bookemon mobile apps, you can access your edCenter via iPhone, iPad or Android devices.


Student Accounts

Teacher can add student accounts without the use of email addresses, thus gaining added privacy and ease of oversight on students' works.



Easy to use management tools for edCenter founder and their invited assistants to oversee activities and membership of their edCenter.
