“We will set forth to our City of Light, to visit the greatest achievement of Terra in the last 13 millennia, a grandiose pioneer community and a model to follow for other communities, a utopian dream finally made manifest in the future. All her ideals carry a universal resonance with the most sacred and best inside of us. Unique, the crowning masterpiece of the best of ingenuity in art, science, education and applied technology, nothing in its architectonic design was compromised, all done to splendidly express sacred geometry, beauty and practicality, a city worthy of the new man, the earthling sovereign integral of the galactic family.
"Partiremos hacia nuestra Ciudad de Luz, a visitar el logro más grande de Terra en los últimos 13 milenios, una grandiosa comunidad pionera y modelo a seguir para otras comunidades, un sueño utópico finalmente manifestado en el futuro. Todos sus ideales llevan una resonancia universal con lo más sagrado y mejor dentro de nosotros."
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Luis Prada Joined: Jan-30-2011 |
Director de la Comunidad Brother Veritus (CBV), Editor y Publicista de Brother Veritus' Website, www.LuisPrada.com