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Accounts of the Past The Chronicles of the Day Family - Las Cuentas del Pasado Las Crónicas de la Día Familia

by Apollo Day
32 pages    3730 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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8.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
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About the Book

This book captures the lives of the Day family and places their encounters into text in a way that serves to strike inspiration into those who read it.

Features & Details
Created on: Nov-16-2011   Last updated:  Jun-01-2012
Format: 8.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Family    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 32 Pages
Family    Family Line    History    Joy    Jullio Delgado    Projects    School    Wise   
About Author
author icon TheBookemon
Joined: Nov-08-2011

My name is Apollo Day and I live in sunny San Diego. Here in San Diego I have varying options to spend my time such as swimming or basketball, but just kicking back and playing video games or exploring the land is what I like the most. There is no greater feeling of sheer epicness for me other than just to completely dominate the competition in a great game. An adventurous video game through a unpredictable area to find a hidden treasure or to recover lost gold and actually succeeding in finding said items and more is an awesome experience in itself. Games such as Modern Warfare 2 and God of War are some of my favorites. I get this same feeling for adventure when I travel to unknown areas, to see and notice new and unfamiliar places in thing instead of the usually same, dull, and repetitive experience is a nice refresher. Though I might have to stop playing video games so much and get a job if I want to afford some more things in my future.

I hope to get a job as a video game programmer. They can make a whooping $85,000 a year plus bonuses.. However if those jobs doesn’t cut out for me, I want to pursue a job as a real estate agent. Hopefully if I earn enough money I would start a small business that helps support myself. If the business becomes successful I would expand across America however if it isn’t successful I still have my job to fall off on. All of this would be promising but if I don’t have some knowledge in those subjects, all those dreams would be all for nothing.

I would like to get an education at high tech high to ensure that I would get a good education. They have well rounded subjects that would most likely get me into an excellent college. I would like to consider college at Berkley to see what other options I can enlist in. Devry University however is my choice for a college if I want to get my dream job. As a very last resort if I haven’t the grades for those colleges a community college.

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