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: "Adventures Beyond Imagination: A Coll

by Abdul Ghaffar WANDIAR
20 pages    82 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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8.5"x11" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
Price: $27.19    Gold Member Price: $24.47
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About the Book

Step into a world of wonder and enchantment with "Adventures Beyond Imagination: A Collection of Magical Tales" by acclaimed author Abdul Ghaffar Wandiar from Pakistan. In this captivating anthology, readers of all ages will embark on a journey through five spellbinding stories that ignite the imagination and warm the heart.

From the whimsical realms of talking stars and enchanted toy shops to the courage-fueled quests of young explorers and the transformative power of facing one's fears, each story is a testament to the magic that lies within our dreams and the boundless potential of the human spirit.

Abdul Ghaffar Wandiar weaves tales that transport readers to far-off lands where curiosity knows no bounds, friendship knows no limits, and the ordinary can become extraordinary with a sprinkle of stardust. His storytelling prowess shines through as he paints vivid landscapes, crafts endearing characters, and spins intricate plots that seamlessly blend adventure, emotion, and wonder.

Born in Pakistan, Abdul Ghaffar Wandiar's writing is influenced by his rich cultural heritage and deep appreciation for the power of storytelling. With "Adventures Beyond Imagination," he invites readers to join him on a magical journey where the ordinary becomes extraordinary and the impossible becomes possible, proving that within each of us lies the capacity to create our own adventures and explore the endless horizons of our imagination.

Whether you're young or young at heart, "Adventures Beyond Imagination" is a treasure trove of tales that will delight, inspire, and transport you to a world where dreams come alive, and the magic of storytelling knows no bounds. Abdul Ghaffar Wandiar's stories remind us that no matter where we're from, the power of imagination and the human spirit knows no borders.

Features & Details
Created on: Aug-25-2023   Published on: Aug-25-2023
Format: 8.5"x11" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
Theme: Children    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 7 Pages
About Author
author icon Abdul Ghaffar
Joined: Aug-25-2023
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I made this book for you read and enjoy get inspiration from it

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