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After The Holocene - A 50 Million Year Journey

by Josef Rieman
20 pages    69 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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7"x10" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
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About the Book

It's 50 million years in the future. Humans have become extinct or have fled to the stars. This book explains the future of life on earth. A glimpse into future biology and the struggle to continue life on Earth without humans. The author brings you into the study of speculative biology and botany. Speculative biology and botany uses several factors to envision future evolution of earths bio-diversity. How future earth environmental changes, evolutionary traits, and reproduction can speculate biological futures. Delve into the future of life in the future.

Features & Details
Created on: Jan-18-2021   Last updated:  Jan-30-2021
Format: 7"x10" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
Theme: Fiction    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
animals    biology    earth    future    futurism    Science fiction   
About Author
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Joined: Jan-18-2021

Josef Michael Rieman is a high school student in small town America. From an early age Josef was intrigued by animals. At a very early age he began sketching animals. After reading books and watching future documentaries, he began to be interested in science animal evolution. The path of evolution led him to speculate what future animals could possible look and behave in a future world.

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