Zori, an agent for NAPC, (National Agency for Paranormal Creatures) is responsible for guarding The Book, an actual book that helps protect and disguise paranormal creatures from the Blood Brothers. The Blood Brothers, as Zori knows personally, is a no-good band of humans hell-bent on destroying all paranormal creatures. When the Blood Brothers' leader, Zori's ex-boyfriend, Luke, threatens to bring the NAPC to its knees and steal The Book, Zori must defend it before the only place she calls home crumbles.
Rita Renee Vincent Joined: Jun-22-2011 |
Rita Renee Vincent has worked on several projects and numerous collaborations. She is a popular writer on a popular writing site, WeBook, where all her projects have received high ratings from all the readers.
When she's not writing or reading, you could find Rita relaxing in her Georgia home with her family, four dogs, one cat, and an X Box.