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bullied every second - the story of kaiden taylor

by daniel pena
20 pages    433 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
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About the Book

when kaiden taylor moved to houston texas his whole life changed completeli. he was really shy and everyone was making fun of him, they spreaded really horrible rumors about him. his friends sophie, alexa and august were trying to help him but for them winning a war against the whole school was almost impossible the rumors were spreading and they didreally bad prankswithout knowing about his ability to write stories. sophie decided to tell kaiden's parents and when he found out they goto into a huge war, he was mad at sophie, he was depressed and the night after his birthday he drank a lot of phills but he was saved on time in school they fixed mosto of the chaos but it got worse and he almost finished his novel ang sophie convinced him to enter the contest of the best novel and because he was being bullied he was about to geto out of the contest but he didnt. he won the contest and everyone apreciated him now. it was may andnow nobody was bullying him.

Features & Details
Created on: Sep-18-2014   Last updated:  Sep-18-2014
Format: 8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Storybook    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
About Author
author icon kaiden1022
Joined: Sep-18-2014

i was born in monterrey mexico in october 22 1999 i lived there until i was 7 and i moved to dallas texas. i have 2 little brothers, i was a cool guy in elementary school in middle school i was bullied really bad in 6th and 7th grades i became the shy kid in school. then in 8th grade i moved to houston and i wasnt bullied no more and now im in 9th grade i'm 14 years old and i like to write

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