Cognizance ˈ/käɡnəzəns/ is a noun which means knowledge, awareness, or notice. Similarly, this book of essays and educational articles embodies my keen observance and awareness of matters relevant to my profession as a teacher and at the same time as a significant contributor in nation building.
The essays and articles contained in this book speak of my scholarly perspectives and profound insights on things that truly matter. These were pieces I wrote since 2016, when I was still a neophyte educator who was so eager to broaden my horizon and be cognizant and mindful to the things around. These scribbles testify my incessant passion for writing and my fortified desire in amplifying my thoughts to create a riffle of change. Some of the writings in this book endeavors to give a voice to the unheard and to reveal the naked truth everyone must be aware of.
For the foreword of this modest collection of essays and educational articles, I requested Sir James Ceasar Ventura to write..
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