This story depicts the life of a United States Marine who was forced to travel to Chernobyl, Ukraine to find a known terrorist by the name of Hakim Kweneris. Michael knew about the Nuclear power plant disaster in 1986 and knew about the radiation and that it caused mass radiation to spread. What Michael didn't know was that the radiation did a lot more then contaminate areas, it also mutated once before people into creatures ranging from small to large mutants. Most of those mutants and creatures being hostile and dangerous to anyone who was spotted by one of them. He had no idea what he was getting himself into but in only a few days time after he arrived in Ukraine he would discover the dark secret hidden for years and not allowed to get out. He had to find Hakim before it was too late and he disappeared for good.. Michael had no idea that soon after he arrived he wouldn't be able to leave the country. Nor did he know that after he got there he would encounter certain things that no one should ever encounter in their life.
Zakhar Joined: Oct-25-2011 |
I'm a 15 year old who one day hopes to become a published author. I published my first book back when I was 10, and now I'm planning on furthering my writing by publishing more.