In this the world they was human's and later on in the 13th centary scienceist expermainted on the human's to see they can transform into a wolf/human being (also different abilts from the elements )and if
they can obtain the power of immortal which created vampire's who could control one of the element's and summon any creature and form a weapon (with their flames) by using the draelegade ring's but these vampire's can walk in the sunlight for aleast 4 to 5 hours and the scienceist's was succesfull in these expermainences but unfortunely
the people who was experted on,ecaped from the abonded buliding and went into hiding untill all of the scienceist was dead before they came out of the shadow's into the time's that mafia was most the most
powerfull in these time's where vongola familly had a 10th boss (but the 9th was still alive) so they came out of hiding and created a familly of their own.
the_fire_princess Joined: Sep-05-2011 |