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Devil's Fire - Where the flames Never die.

by DarkHeart
48 pages    1228 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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7"x10" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Price: $15.55    Gold Member Price: $14
This book product maybe produced in 17cm x 24cm (6.7" x 9.45")
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About the Book

This book is about a young boy named Ira who is a thief in the city of Merritt [Which i made up] and has to steal to make a living. He has a master who thinks of him as a son and wants him to inherit the 'King of Thieves' title, though he does not approve. he has a lover named Kalei whom is bedridden and sick at the moment. he steals and gets money for her, to feed her, to keep her healthy and well, or as well as he can keep her. he has a struggle in leaving his lover and inheriting the throne, or stay with his lover until she is well. Will he give in and inherit the title, or run away with his lover? [[Kalei is not mentioned in the first chapter]]

Features & Details
Created on: Nov-26-2012   Published on: Nov-26-2012
Format: 7"x10" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Theme: Storybook    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 48 Pages
Nick Heath   
About Author
author icon DarkHeart
Joined: Nov-26-2012

Hi im 14 and my name is actually Kelsie, for those who may think That's a fake name. This is my 'About Me' and i'm sure it's not going to stop getting longer, lol. Anyways, I am actually thirteen and I have brown/black hair and blue green eyes. am the kind of girl who stands up for herself and loves hanging out with friends, though I don't have that much contact with my friends anymore. I have somewhat of a short temper and I am prissy when I'm depressed so don't blame me if I'm that way, blame my mood. xD lol. so I am the kind of snappy girl too, though i'm not snappy all the time, I've lost a lot of friends in the past few years and only have one I can depend on right now, though I'm not giving names. I have Insomnia so it's hard for me to sleep, I also have a shaking syndrome that makes my spelling a little worse then others since my hands hake and it makes it hard to type. ^_^ I also have Asthma and slight Schizophrenia, so i'm edgy around people if you meet me in real life.

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