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Essence of the dark

by Riley forhan nico depasqual and finn mcdaniel
20 pages    101 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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6.5"x6.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
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About the Book

this scary cool exsiteing tale is about a group of teens that travel arond town and find weird strange things you normally wont see but it gets a little out of control when the main hero Jake gets kidnapped by the horrifeing villain bongo. Jake gets to escape so bongo sets out to find him. but latter that night things start to really get out of hand when a cop gets killed later that night. find out more in the tall essence of the dark!

Features & Details
Created on: Oct-20-2018   Last updated:  Oct-20-2018
Format: 6.5"x6.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
Theme: Teen    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
About Author
author icon Riley forhan
Joined: Oct-20-2018

where just normal kids who like to read creepy scary horror and some times funny books.and me riley heard that my nabbior and his freind where writting and publishing a book so i told finn and nico (my school freids) that we should do the same. so we wrote it on paper and then we started typing it.we where inspiered by parker (my nabbior) and are favirot athours such as R.L stine and meany more. (finn) i enjoy whatching scary and funny things such as the walking dead,tfu, and meany more. (nico) i like playing games suck as mario,fortnite and others. (riley) i have hobbis suck as FMX,MX,FBMX,BMX.

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