Epi Tearo is an ordinary school Kid, in the 7th grade in Manhattan. It is December 21st 2012. Iran has decared war on the U.S. They are making allies with North korea, and other countries to fight against the U.S. Will this be a World War III? Read and find out!
epitearo Joined: Nov-01-2012 |
Travis Olson is a funloving kid with a nice family, in sunny Temecula, California: "A great place to visit". He went to school at Vintage hills Elememtry, and is currently going to school at Margarita Middle school, and has a nice teacher in every subject. His social Studies teacher, Mr. Pepes (not Peepees, pepes) once said: Travis, you are a one man show. His friend cole told him about bookimon, the website where he created his first book. His great friend Ahmet gave him the idea for his first book, Fallout. He hopes to turn it into A T.V. series.
NOt finished yet, i hope to get it done soon!