This handbook was created as a result of Afrikagrupperna’s seminar on information & communication, that took place in Windhoek, Namibia 1st till 2nd of August 2013. The handbook aims at inspiring, providing guidelines, and offering a platform for further knowledge sharing in the field of information & communication.
The handbook contains material that was presented during the seminar, information from the renowned media researcher Jakob Nielsen, as well as tips on best practice inspired and based on the latest work of the leading Swedish PR firm Westander (
We hope that the handbook will assist organizations in their never-ending quest of giving voice to the many. Despite all the challenges of being on the frontline of communication it is nevertheless our responsibility to make the world listen.
Moni Joined: Aug-28-2013 |
This handbook was created as a result of Afrikagrupperna’s seminar on information & communication, that took place in Windhoek, Namibia 1st till 2nd of August 2013. The handbook aims at inspiring, providing guidelines, and offering a platform for further knowledge sharing in the field of information & communication.
The handbook contains material that was presented during the seminar, information from the renowned media researcher Jakob Nielsen, as well as tips on best practice inspired and based on the latest work of the leading Swedish PR firm Westander (
We hope that the handbook will assist organizations in their never-ending quest of giving voice to the many. Despite all the challenges of being on the frontline of communication it is nevertheless our responsibility to make the world listen.