Heart Eyes is heartfelt it helps children to show love and kindness toward others. It has colorful pictures for children to enjoy. And a lesson to be learned for a lifetime.
Char Joined: Sep-14-2011 |
I love the Lord with all my heart, mind, body and soul. I was put here on earth for a purpose and we all have a purpose of being. I am searching and asking God for the divine plan that he has for my life. Read Jeremiah 29:11. What is the real reason that you and I exist? The first thing I have learned is that I need a Savior (Jesus Christ is Lord of Lord and King of Kings) without him I could do nothing. I have been bought with a price and it is a high price for one in particular Jesus Christ who gave his life for me. Now I owe him everything it is because of him I exist. Being lead by the Spirit of God! Who am I a lover of God, author, illustrator songwriter, artist, arts and crafter, sewing, mother, and a friend to all who love Jesus! Amen!