a girl named, Bella lives with her two brothers, Emmett and Jasper and their abusive father, Charlie. One day Charlie goes a little too far which leads to rape and pregnancy for Bella. Not to mention the horrible treatment the highschool kids give her. Can Edward, the biggest player at school, help her? Or does it just ruin her life even more?
teambella13 Joined: May-20-2010 |
Hi, i am teambella13. My favorite color is blue, i am a major klutz, used to do cheerleading, live with my parents and brother, and what motifated me to write this story is probably fanfiction.net and poems. I read a poem about abuse and a fanfic about a girl getting abused and raped by her father while her brother just sits and watches. And it got me thinking, what if it was the other way around. What if it was the brother forced to rape the girl and the father watching. And that's how i came apon this.