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Kitty Jewel and Ever Faithful - A Premortal Love Story

by kittyjewel
20 pages    1562 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Book
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About the Book

A premortal love story begun in Heaven and proceeding throughout different levels, how they parted and came back together.

Features & Details
Created on: Jul-08-2009   Last updated:  Jul-08-2009
Format: 8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Book
Theme: Open Theme    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
fantasy    heaven    Jesus    Kitty Jewel    love story   
About Author
author icon kittyjewel
Joined: Jul-08-2009

When I was 16, our Creative Writing teacher suggested we write a story with Door as the theme. So I wrote my first version of the story you are about to read, inspired years earlier from the Shirley Temple movie, the Blue Bird. The cast of characters was God the Father portrayed as King Graciousness, a mother figure named Queen Mercia, and Jesus called Prince Redeemer. Kitty Jewel had a sweetheart named Ever Faithful even then, and he was torn away from her by a huge eagle that took him to earth, where she mourned her loss and despaired that she would never find him again. I had written other versions of this theme until finally when I was 22, and was in the throws of a horrendous heartbreak my mom had hurled me into, writing my thoughts and feelings was all I could do to keep myself from being overcome by the despair. But thru that crucible, came the outlines for the story you are about to read. I know that it may sound controversial to most, but given the fact there are already many heaven based fantasies out there at this time, perhaps this is a good time for an audience. But if there is anything in here that will bless and uplift those who are heartbroken, and bring them closer to Jesus, Himself, then all this will have been worth it. Blessings to you all thru the grace of our Heavenly Father and Saviour Jesus.

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