These girls have a lot on their hands, but only one of these girls has some blood on their fingers. Is it Kelly, Jamie, Mackenzie, Erica, Leah or Natalie? Each girl will play the lying game, but you will have to find out who did it. Sure, the one who murdered will feel guilty, but they won’t show it. After all, girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice. Liars are made of cheats and dares and flirty glares! Remember that to determine who is the liar, there are hidden clues.
Ava Joined: Jul-09-2013 |
Ava Hauck is an advanced writer for her age and can make the lamest thing in the world turn into an amazing Whodunit? book. She was born in Baltimore, and has been writing stories since age 6. Her 3rd choice of job (behind being a writer and being famous)was being a lawyer, but she thought about it and decided;"I will just stick with writing because if I were to be a lawyer i couldn't wear pj's and slippers to work." enough said.