In the year 2020, Charlie(a 19 year old bad-ass) and a group of friends inlist into the everlasting war in Afganistan. After years of suffering from loss and the grim realities of battle, he meets Rose(an English tourist) and soon form a truely passionate relationship. But as the violence and riots escalated throughout the Middle East, he and his platoon of battle hardened men are given the order to ,"unleash hell and obliterate every living soul in Afganistan." How do I handel this? How can I insure the safety and protection of Rose? That is all that is going through Charlie's head as he lay awake in bed the night before his encounter with death. What do I do? How can I bring myself to do such a thing? What do I do...? The only thing that Charlie is sure of is that he must do something.
bean the machine Joined: Oct-22-2011 |
Wilson Miranne is a young writer who spent many of his years in the state of Louisiana. Writing has been his sought after career since his seventh grade year. Frustrations of War is his first book but certainly not the last
On the 3rd night the prolog is finally complete. Now for the real challange...
It took me a day to finish my first page! I can only hope to quicken my pace.
To me it is a challange. A test to see if I can actually put in enough time and heart to create a masterpiece that is more than passable to the public.