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Midnight Emeralds - -The Scratches at Your door-

by R.S.Miller
48 pages    702 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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8.25"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
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About the Book

thirteen year old strangely black haired blue eyed Violet Morganton was told by the only relative who really loved her Nana Bonny told her the story of the midnight emeralds a story about black midnight cats who have been spies for a underground treaty who have been royal undergroundians and were out casts of this under ground world they always had to check over there back in case of the dangerous of a rumor that there is a plan to get rid of the undergroundian cats of emerald. because of them being able to come up to the surface world be a threat to the others and so are always in danger. Violet always thought this to be true. Which made her the out cast of her own small town of river,adams in the middle of know where with nothing to do. Violet often day dreamed of such a place solemnly during class when she should have been doing her work like the normal kids. After a dreadful day at school Violet would come home to her workaholic parents with her over achieving brothers and sisters. Violet would sit and whisper to Matt her black cat who she thought would leave to go to Emerald the under ground world. She would whisper to him to come and take her make her cat and take her to emerald.
-Violet gets put into chaos when she finally gets her wish when she gets transformed into a blue dough eyed black cat in wishes that she will save emerald of the Snigeres the cats of emerald worst enemy the enhanced cats. Will violet survive the pressures of being a emerald cat will she still go on with the mission? Is this why Nana Bonny told only her out of her whole family the story? Is this why shes such a freak to the town and her family?

Features & Details
Created on: Jan-11-2010   Last updated:  Jan-11-2010
Format: 8.25"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Theme: Teen    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 48 Pages
emerald    midnight   
About Author
author icon R.S.Miller
Joined: Jul-29-2009

Im fourteen

Ive always loved to read and write

I wanted to write a book that was different and keeps pages turning. I wanted to do some thing that would exciet people. So hope you enjoy


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