Mrs. Kunz's class at Genesee Valley Elementary School in Belmont, NY, created this fictional "snowball story" about their teaching assistant. The story will be dedicated to Mrs. Kristen Sanasith, who inspired both students and adults in the classroom to find joy and delight in the small details of life. She is an amazing teacher and we will miss her!
Mrs. Kunz's Class Joined: May-04-2010 |
Mrs. Kunz's class consists of students in grades Kindergarten through two at Genesee Valley Elementary School in Belmont, NY. Mrs. Prentice and Mrs. Sanasith help the students in the room learn and grow daily. Their hard work has inspired this story. After the story was started as a group, it was passed around as each student added their own sentence. What came of this was an incredibly creative fictional story about our beloved teaching assistant!