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My Blessing, My Daughter - The greatest gift I've ever received

by Jacqueline Kimble
20 pages    4099 reads    0 people's favorite    2 likes
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8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
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About the Book

This is a true story of how I tell my daughter of her adoption. I thought this would be the best way to tell her. Reading my story will instill the emotions and joy that I felt the very first day I was asked to accept her as my daughter. Early on in life I was faced with an illness that would lead to a complete Hysterectomy at the young age of 10. This book covers the entire story of how God blessed me to actually be a mother!! She will hear this story and feel the love before she even knows that this little girl is actually her!! Please if you have a similar situation I would love for you to share this with your Angels, for they are precious and the ultimate gifts from God. I hope you all enjoy this story book of my most precious little blessing from God.

Features & Details
Created on: Apr-16-2014   Last updated:  Mar-28-2014
Format: 8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Storybook    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
About Author
author icon Makkah
Joined: Mar-27-2014

I am a widowed, mother of one daughter named Launa Faye. She is the reason for writing this book. I also have 3 amazing stepchildren, and two step granddaughters. My husband passed away on August 2, 2010 due to an automobile accident. I am presently in college getting my Associates Degree in Biomedical Equipment Technology. And will graduate in December 2014. As a single adoptive mother I have faced so many trials and obstacles. With her by my side and Gods love and support we are still climbing up. I was blessed with my daughter after years of feeling useless as a woman because I was unable to bear children. My depression and self esteem was very low, I felt like there was no chance of ever being a mom. I started to church and prayed so much everyday for The Lord to bless me, my faith grew stronger and he did! My story is true and straight from the heart, please read and share, thank you for your support.

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