Get back on track with your finances! Jot down your expenses and payments for the month, check the boxes when paid. Determine your recommended and true budget expenditure. Get organized with goals, choose which week of the month, days of the month and stick to the plan each month. Creating goals can be adjusted monthly as you meet them. Add notes to your calendar and monthly pages, great for long term goals, appointments and more! This book has what you need to help you view your finances! It also offers extra pages for a personal touch, each yellow page separates your planning month and can be decorated how you like! Make this My Budget Planner all about you and your growth in financial wellness!
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Ashley L. Angeli Joined: Feb-08-2021 |
I bring value to many with my education, experience and skills in business, bookkeeping and tax preparation services. I can help you keep track of crucial information needed for your tax return preparation, and direct you through options that can benefit your business and amplify your potential to do less financial management while understanding the benefits and practices so you can worry less and produce more.
I graduated from Kent State University in Salem Ohio with an earned associates degree in Business Management with Concentrations in Entrepreneurship, General Management and Manufacturing. I started 4 businesses and learned so much from the experiences! Started my families landscaping company in 2016 and have managed the marketing, taxes and bookkeeping at the start! I have a passion for business and helping others achieve their professional and financial goals!
Ashley A.
Business Owner