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by Everett Daughtry
48 pages    6370 reads    4 people's favorite    6 likes
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5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
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About the Book

ABLE SYKES has lived since the dawn of man kind. He watched us through peace and war, through sickness and health, through prosperity and destruction. He guided us to the gates of heaven, or solemnly tossed us into the pit of fire. He held our hand through it all, he and his assistants. For centuries he’s led the lost souls of troubled men down the path toured the light, and for centuries no one has tried to stop him. Until now.

One of Death’s assistants have gone rouge. Stealing souls from living people, and feeding them to those bent on destroying man kind. Death, trapped in the body of his vessel must seek help from Angels, Seers, Demons, anyone willing to help, before these soul eaters destroy Deaths beloved race once and for all.

Features & Details
Created on: Oct-22-2012   Last updated:  Feb-01-2013
Format: 5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
Theme: Fiction    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 48 Pages
is    my    name    Reaper    Sykes   
About Author
author icon Rett & Cass
Joined: Oct-21-2012

Everett is the writer, the sketcher, the skater, the climber. Casper's the Illustrator, the Photographer, the inventor, the mechanic. The two have their toils like any other set of twins, but are dead set on working to create the best book in the world. Or at least one that would sell.

Messages from the author:

Yes we are going to let that suspense fill up inside there XD Actually I lost my note book and I have the next few scenes written out and I don't want to mess it up, my writing is often better the first time then when I edit. I've been looking everywhere for it. but It might be a few more days until I can update. Sorry
- Rett

And yet you refuse to.
- Cass

Wrote about seven pages. But I have a new rule. If the page doesn't have number at the bottom, from here on out it means its not edited, or not... done I guess. Half the time I write on the spot and it doesn't always turn out the way I want it, so I will probably go in an either edit or change it. Sorry I'm so unprofessional.
- Rett
ps. screw you cass anyone can use spell check.

CASS: Sorry for the typos and spelling errors. Until I edit it, Its awful. My brother isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, despite what he believes. Thanks for your patience.

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