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by Ms Coffey
20 pages    752 reads    0 people's favorite    1 likes
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8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
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About the Book

I would like to thank my wonderful parents. You have giving me your child to protect and educate, to love and help grow. thank you for that. As my company grows you can say that you where the first to build this great empire of a school. Thank you. To show you how much i love you and my students. Here is your first yearbook from Ms.Coffey Owner of Nanny On the Go. Learning as we go.

Features & Details
Created on: Jun-28-2017   Last updated:  Jun-28-2017
Format: 8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Yearbook    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
learning on wheels   
About Author
author icon Ms coffey
Joined: Jun-28-2017

My name is Kizzie Coffey, I have a seven year old son name Jaylen Haynes. We live in Monroe North Carolina. I have been in child care for 25 plus years. Keeping family members kids, friends kids and a lot of schools and day cares. On May first Nanny On the Go was born. I have been birthing this baby out for many years. Since 1999 and on May 1 2017. My baby was born. I can now share to the word my love and how to really run a child care center, how to operate a business and to show people its not the money that keeps your center going its the person in you. The happiness and safety of each child, the love and understanding to every family, friend and child. Nanny On the Go we're that village.

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