We must understand the word of God By way of the Spirit. The word of God is alive it is a living organism. And, once received and believed it then began the process of creativity.
This book is small yet great in powerful. taking one scripture at time and revealing the mind of God by way of revelation.
you shall receive understanding and wisdom and increase you knowledge. your Soul and your Spirit will be blessed.
Lisa Joined: May-20-2013 |
Elder Evangelist Lisa Holloman
Evangelist Lisa Holloman is a resident of Syracuse New York; she is the wife of Glen Holloman Sr. and the mother two sons, Deevon and Michael Holloman.
Evangelist Holloman received her salivation 19 year ago and has been faithful in apprehending the one who apprehended her. Elder/ Evangelist Lisa Holloman is a license and ordained Minister of the Gospel.
She is a warrior in the army of the Lord. Called to shake nations and subdue kingdoms. An Ambassador for Christ, she boldly delivers Gods message with power and authority.
The cry of her heart is to see souls saved and delivered from the bondage of sin.
Her passion is to see the saint of God walk in their full purpose.
The woman of God has spoken in Crusades, Youth and Women Conferences, Pastors and Church Anniversary and has facilitated Marriage Ceremonies and Revivals, Funeral and more. She is the vision carrier of the Spirit of the Lord Ministries and Women of War Ministry in..