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by Feliz Ruiz
104 pages    567 reads    0 people's favorite    1 likes
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8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Price: $17.07    Gold Member Price: $15.36
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About the Book

Like rivers of life giving water, flowing through valleys and hills, so the RHYTHM OF LIFE flows through poetic rhymes, enriching the minds and souls of its readers. Bubbling forth, like a fresh mountain spring, from the depths of the heart, Feliz uses the magic of words to dance through 'BLACK INK' and 'GOLDEN. SUNSETS' taking our minds and thoughts right there where it is all happening. Then we have a glimpse of morals and virtue's in 'FRAGRANCE OF HONESTY’ taking a ride through spirituality with 'RING OF FAITH' and into the world of family and motherhood with 'MIRTHFUL MOTHERHOOD'. 'MONA LISA' gives us a taste of the artists thoughts while painting their magnificent artworks.

Features & Details
Created on: Mar-26-2020   Published on: Mar-26-2020
Format: 8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Theme: Open Theme    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 10 Pages
About Author
author icon GARCIA GERNALE
Joined: Apr-20-2018

DR. FELY ROSE MONFORTE NACARIO, or FELIZ RUIZ, is a poet, writer and professor. She graduated with the following degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education, major in English, from Saint Michael’s College of Laguna, and Master of Arts in Teaching English Language Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction, from Philippine Normal University, Manila Philippines. She has taught the English language for more than two decades in schools, colleges and universities, both in private and public schools. Her passion for poetry started years back when she was in high school. She writes during her solitary moments on themes dealing with life, spirituality, virtues, values, inspiration.. Her love for poetry was revealed online in 2017 when she joined poetic groups, where poetry contests were held. She has garnered innumerable awards and her winning poems were published in many international anthologies such as: Voices of Humanity, Thoughts and Nature, Ambrosia, Petals of..

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