When Stevie Rae Weathers runs away from home, she finds her self lost. Not just randomly in New York City lost, but lost as in the middle of nowhere. She is stuck in a eerie but beautiful meadow that just never ends. And she discovers she is not a normal human being. Now that does not mean danger had disapeered. It's just now starting. And it won't stop, until it gets what it wants.
Falon (: Joined: Jun-24-2010 |
Hey! NOw I love writng and Singing and pro photography! I may be very weird and random and abit annoying but i'm also a fun person to be around, at least im told that... :) I am IN LOVE with british, english, and UK accents. I hope u like my books! I hope you laugh and smile everyday. If not, ill be sure to make you. Have an awesomley awesome day everyone! Love you ♥ *mwah* Haha virtual air kiss