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SDSU - My trip to SDSU

by Ruby Montoya
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8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
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About the Book

KCAA went a field trip tik SDSU a to learn about study habits,Heathly living,and deductions

Features & Details
Created on: Jan-12-2015   Published on: Apr-16-2015
edCenter: Room 23 Book Creators!!!
Format: 8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Storybook    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
About Author
author icon RubiM
Joined: Dec-15-2014

I am a 5th grade student at king Chavez Arts academy in room 23
Omg! I can't believe I went to SDSU, it's so much fun, would you like to go? I went with all of my friends and all of the 5 grade teachers. We went on a trolley it was in the green line . Then I saw the time it was 8:45 I was really sleepy but I had to wake up. As soon as I got off the trolley I heard noisy people talking. Myself, I felt the fresh, cold air. What I felt from inside is happiness because we were about to enter the campus. I can't wait to learned about study habits, dedications, healthily living.

We went to SDSU to learn about heathy living. One place we visited was the gym. I saw people doing exercise and drinking a lot of water because of the exercise. They had been doing really well on the treadmills. They looked sweaty and exhausted. This inspired me to buy a treadmill because I learned about heathy living.

Another example of healthily living is SDSU pools.
There was all of my friends were there they we're in the pool area were there was a lot of people jumping and diving. The college students were challenging themselves to be a better swimmers. They were even doing flips when the jumped off the challenge board. Then this lady said that if you went to come its only on Saturday and Sunday because other days they are not there because there are in college during the day. Thanks to SDSU now I know we're to go for college to do fitness.

SDSU has dedications and a whole lot of legacy projects. the love library was built from some people who donated money. One example of how students are enjoying the dedications is the love library. I saw college students we were in the love library when I entered the love library there was quietness. I saw college kids reading there books taking there time to sleep because they have a lot of things to do. Know I know we're to how when I grow up.

SDSU is one of the best field trip I ever experienced. We went there to learn about study habits, healthy living, dedications and I observe new things. I observed the baseball field and soccer field and the college students swimming in the swimming pool. Now that I'm seeing College students in the pool and in the baseball field and soccer field I want to be in SDSU when I grow up.

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