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by Olu Atanda
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8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
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My mother is a mother of mothers. A mother who cares about her children and about the welfare of other people, in particular the needy or less priviledged. A mother who is always there for you during rainy or dry season. A mother who would never sleep if her children dont sleep; who would never eat if the children don't eat. My mother is a role model among mothers. A mother who can be reckoned with at any time, any place and any time. A mother that can be linked to Tabitha or Dorcas in the bible; a woman of great passion like Esther in the bible. A mother that is very supportive in her approach and many other ways, she is not proud to mingle with all walks of life, she deals with people with humility. A mother who is a friend and confidant in many endeavours. A mother who would very difficulty to forget.

My mother on several occasions has skipped luxury to ensure my safety and well-being. She is never tired of me nor my problems. You are a mother that can

Features & Details
Created on: Aug-06-2012   Last updated:  Aug-06-2012
Format: 8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
Theme: Birthday    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 100 Pages
About Author
author icon Olu
Joined: Aug-06-2012

You are a mother that can never be compared to other mothers in this world. A mother who is the mother of the world in kind and cash. A mother whom passion for mankind is in her blood and can never turn back on you in time of need. I thank God for giving you to me as a mother, how wonderful have you been to me; how proud you had make me today. The breast milk you gave me and the gentle, mild hands you used in nurturing me from adolescence to adulthood which made me what I am today would go into my "guiness book of records and memory lane" and would leave an indelible mark in my life. I pray that God would give you the grace to eat the fruits if your hard labour (amen). I want you to understand that if I come to the world again I still want and appreciate you as a mother; even if the mother of the president wanted to adopt me, I wouldn't compromise. O sweet mother how glorious are your attributes to my life.

Finally, I pray to Almighty God who lifted you up would never let you down:

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