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The Boy within the Man - The Boy Writes

by Paul Baldry
22 pages    27 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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11"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
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About the Book

Welcome to the world of my poetry, where each tale is a window into the human soul, and every word is a testament to the depth of our emotions. It is my hope that through these poems, you will find a reflection of your own experiences, and perhaps a newfound understanding of the shared human condition.

So, let us venture forth, dear reader, into the intricate and nuanced landscape of the human spirit. Let us traverse the highs and lows, the light and darkness, the joy and sorrow, and emerge on the other side with a deeper appreciation for the tapestry of life that surrounds us. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope that my words will resonate with you in a meaningful way.

Features & Details
Created on: Dec-22-2023   Last updated:  Mar-14-2024
Format: 11"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Poetry    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 22 Pages
About Author
author icon Long John
Joined: Jan-16-2016

I am Paul Baldry, a veteran who has served my country for 26 years and have witnessed the hardships of conflict. Through my writings and books, I seek to shed light on the challenges faced by servicemen and servicewomen during their service, as well as the struggles many veterans encounter when transitioning from military to civilian life. I have witnessed too many of my fellow servicemen and women suffer, dealing with untreated physical and mental wounds that often go unnoticed by society.

Poetry has always been my outlet. The metaphors I use in my work symbolise the barriers and constraints that veterans face, whether it be in the form of physical disabilities or the invisible scars of trauma. The struggles that many veterans face are frequently overlooked or misunderstood by those who have not experienced the same hardships.

It is my hope that through sharing my experiences and observations, my books will bring awareness and understanding to the challenges that veterans face. They serve as a tribute to all those who have given their service and sacrifice for their country, as well as a call to action for better support and resources for those who have served.

I dedicate my books to all the men and women who have gone into conflict whole, only to return broken and in need of healing. It is my hope that these books will serve as a beacon of hope and support for all those who have served, and a reminder to the rest of society to honour and care for those who have sacrificed so much for their country.

Thank you for reading my poetry and short stories, and may these books serve as a reminder of the resilience and courage of our service personnel and veterans. Let us not forget the mental and physical breakdowns that our brave service personnel and veterans, as well as their families and friends, often endure.

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