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The Golden Poet - Forbidden Love

by Cornelius G. Cole
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8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
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Poetry At Will: Forbidden Love

Features & Details
Created on: Jul-14-2010   Last updated:  Mar-07-2011
Format: 8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Poetry    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
About Author
author icon CorneliusCole
Joined: Jul-14-2010

~I can not be read~

Life has its way of showing us its natural colors and ways of doing things of purpose. You see it for what it really is. You grab on to it. Life is grand! Most people you see are the same. You can walk with them, hold on to them, feel them, and sometimes think what they are thinking. Sometime even feel their internal vibes. Hearts of quietness and loneliness to the soul is what I feel. Most people at their will want nothing more but to understand how I feel, and understand what it is that I’m thinking inside of my quiet little box of my mind, but I won’t let them. For I work way too hard for them to start understanding me now. Even I don’t understand who I am! At time gives clues as to some of things that I want some people to know of me, but yet never to give them to whole piece of the puzzle. Like some people I do have my expectation as to what I do feel that people should know of me. Quiet, loving, willing to do anything to get the job done right, determined, as well as very motivative. How I feel is how I write and how I write is what’s inside my soul. The world may read my words, but not my internal vibes. For this I can not be read. I can not be read because I choose so. It is easy to read other people, for they let their guards down wanting to be read hoping to be loved by everyone. Not knowing that not only will most people not love them, but they will hate them as well. For their expectation of themselves are different as to what people are seeing of them. Their internal vibes are showing too much. For this I close mine off! Coming from a place of abuse has taught me to stay within myself. Hidden away from the world looks of anger. Why do we anger with no reason for them. We lie and cheat others just to get a head in life. For getting about the things that really matter the most, and that to love! Love one another as if they were you yourself wanting to be loved! For these are the thing that keeps me from wanting to be read! Staying safe, staying strong, and living along with happiness to keep my hopes and dreams of becoming a real man of myself! For these reason I can stand alone and say! I can not be read at least until I am ready to be read. Some my judge me for my way of thinking, and so I’ll leave them with one thought to the mind. When you see me what do you see, or what you feel? Is it love, is trust, or is it the way I feel inside. Don’t worry I all ready know, because I can not be read.

Cornelius G. Cole
The Golden Poet

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