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The Guarded

by N. H. Epstein
220 pages    41074 reads    2 people's favorite    1 likes
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5.5"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Price: $21.19    Gold Member Price: $19.07
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About the Book

I'm a super-natural freak who's father sent her away to a Mortal school to keep herself safe. My name's Rosalina Jessica, heir to the throne of Kingdom Krystal. I intend to keep it that way until I turn 19, when I will become an immortal and the queen of my kingdom. But with the war about to begin I don't know how long my small kingdom will stay alive. But I intend to keep my faithful kingdom alive as long as I live.

Trust me.

Features & Details
Created on: Mar-01-2010   Published on: Mar-10-2010
Format: 5.5"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Theme: Teen    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 220 Pages
About Author
author icon Allyson Park
Joined: Feb-25-2009

N. H. Epstein is a young girl with her passion for writing. At the age of eight, she began to write her first series of books. Now, at the age of twelve, she moves on to try and write a bigger selection of books, most of which to do with mythology. She hopes to become a great writer in Long Beach, California. She lives with her two parents, who are supportive of her writing and her three dogs.

Messages from the author:

Hey guys!!! Okay, so, I created a new account on Bookemon b/c this one is kinda jacked up - so find me at N.H. Epstein, mkay? Please please please comment guys!!! I'm submitting one of the books on that account for a writing contest and I need all the help I can get if I wanna win!!! Thanks so much!!!


Okay, so I'm not really sure how to send out messages (STILL) so I'm posting this - I'm remaking the Myth World. (For good, I promise!!!) And if anyone would like to be a part of it plz let me know!



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