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The Kiba series: Book One; The Claws Of Six

by Writen By: Ash and Skye
24 pages    5065 reads    1 people's favorite    3 likes
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8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
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About the Book

When the human race has been decreased by A terrible force. When the humans' Creation goes out of hand and spreeds over half of the world, infectong almost every animal life form on earth turning them into mutated Creatures known as Demon-beasts. When the humans can't do anything to stop the demon beasts which are in Controll by Spirit-Beasts which are The demon-spirits of every animal speices, The world is in the hands of six unexpected half Human, Half Animal demons with beautious powers; Willow, Rye, Faolan, Sakura, Seven and Rin. They will need the help of Spirits, a rouge spirit-beast, the Tribes of the forest, and each other to servive

Features & Details
Created on: Nov-12-2010   Last updated:  Jun-04-2012
Format: 8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Open Theme    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 24 Pages
fantasy    spirit   
About Author
author icon Nightcrawler
Joined: Nov-08-2010

hmmmm i guess i will make a list:

~i loooove to draw and write comics with my Cousin

~i am working on my cartoon animation (im not to good at it yet because of the lac of proper programs)

~i love to take Pictures of animal espeically wolves

~i have a super awkwardly awesome Twin-Like cousin who is my BFF

~i love to bike ride, climb trees and watch wild-life


~I am an Anme/manga artist

~I have a weiner dog named charlie (you thinks he is big)

`i have four ferrets named Chowder(my personal ferret) Cody(my second ferret) Ringo(my Cousin's personal ferret) and Marley (my cousin's second ferret)

~ My Cousin and i own two dogs named Zuri, and Frodo


Messages from the author:

My origional story DONT STEAL

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