The story of Eva begins in deserted Bergamo, accompanied by the incessant sound of many ambulances. This city, a symbol of suffering and strength, will prove to be the perfect setting to kick off this novel.
The protagonist is a determined and sensitive woman, and her words are effective in guiding the reader through a long and profound journey between past and present, wherein the lives of the different characters mingle, merge and blend into one another. With a delicate, albeit blunt and direct style of writing, the author lays bare the protagonist’s experiences, allowing the readers a glimpse into Eve’s past, a past that was intense and important. The reader will thus be able to get a glimpse into this woman’s life, from her childhood to adulthood.
Through wise temporal leaps and the use of different points of view, we will understand the deep bond that binds Eva to her mother Elena, the conflictual relationship between the protagonist and her brother, the emotional..
Poetry Planet Joined: Feb-28-2018 |